Part 22: I was once...

We rejoin Frey's group on Mr. Wilde's ship, which is quite nice, if not quite as nice as the royal family's vessel.

Oh, this darn thick head of mine! Why don't I just think?

The boat takes us south on the river... (music) a more pleasant-looking location.

We're officially in Rainwall, and we'll be staying here for a while. (music)

It looks a little less like a papercraft model than the Godwin castle.

Silly Boz. Head straight for the plot? No, no, that just won't do.

We can't leave Rainwall, but we can explore it, and so that's what we'll do.

Rainwall is a really nice looking place with all these little streams and waterfalls running everywhere. There's also treasure scattered throughout the place, but this one in particular isn't very good (mega medicine).

Talk about a downer! All I care about's good food, nice clothes, and living a carefree life.
The people leave a thing or two to be desired, though.

...look, I never said everything in Rainwall was beautiful, all right?

Don't mock my McDohl cosplay.

Rainwall has all the different types of stores in the game, but most of them don't carry any upgrades. The smith sharpens to level five, the trainers upgrade skills to C-rank... the only reason I care about the armourer is the rare finds section. The Power Gloves in Suikoden V are pretty bad, but they're an upgrade for Georg and Lyon and we have the money, so why not?

You know what helps when you're feeling down? Petting an animal. It can really lift your spirits.
Frey tries, but only has marginal success.

This cheers him up a little better, though. But of course, he soon realizes it's the first piece he finds and he won't be able to assemble it for another several hours and then he's back to being depressed.

He feels better again when he finds this in a chest on the second floor of the town's inn. I'm putting it on Lyon because I like more money.

Townswoman: Oh! L-Lord Wilde! So... it's true. Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude. My deepest condolences on your terrible loss, Your Highness...
You totally meant to be rude and I don't like you.

We're up to the second highest part of town.
Townsman: If those degenerates want me to stop trading with Armes, then I'll just trade with them all the more!

You? You're okay.

I'm sure you all noticed the unusual looking guy on the top left in the previous screen. Let's go bother him!

You're either hanging with the wrong kind of people or reading the wrong kind of tomes, old man.
Assistant Trader: Sir! You offend me, sir! A Rainwall Trading Post employee would never, ever, lie to a customer!

Assistant Trader: Gosh. How generous of you.
I think sassy trader guy is my favourite Rainwall NPC.

Assistant Trader: Uh-oh.

Assistant Trader: Umm... Okay.

I am a collector of rare and unusual tomes. I came to this town in pursuit of a tome of terrifying magical power. If you should happen upon any mysterious or magical tomes, you must bring them to me at once!
I'm sure, if I ever find a mysterious or magical tome, I won't have to look very hard to find you. Things usually work out that way.

He waddles off.

I most deeply apologize for the inconvenience, Your Highness. That man has been showing up on a daily basis lately! He's a little... um... well, "eccentric" would be too kind! I hope he doesn't plan on coming back here every day until he finds that stupid book...
No worries. I'll be glad to take him off your hands.

And all your salt, too. Except... wow, that's expensive! I didn't expect to drain the market so quickly. What to do, what to do-

Bah, we all know that's not even a question.

Your grandfather was a good friend of Lord Barows, so we're all on your side here!
That sounds reassuring! Let's hear what the lady over there has to say, too, before we move on.
Old Townswoman: Some people are calling Lord Barows a traitor for allowing us to trade with Armes. But what's wrong with that? It's better than sending thousands of soldiers off to die senselessly in some foolish war! Don't you agree, Your Highness?
My highness does agree. Problem is, not everyone thinks it would be a "senseless" war...

Also this thing. I'll show it off, along with the previous one, once we're out of here.

If you and Lady Sialeeds were killed, we'd have no hope whatsoever of putting a stop to Godwin!
Finally, we're up to the highest part. That's the fountain right in front of the Barows mansion.

You can see a path off to the side here, and there's one on the other side, too, but before we can get to them, Euram comes running...
...that expression is... worrying. (music)

He drags Frey away.

Lyon runs after...

...leaving the rest of the party in the dust.

And then they make their way to the mansion as well.

Look, it's my favourite person in Falena. (music)

You're still a giant slimeball, but you say some nice things.
???: Father! That's enough, don't you think?
No, no, please do continue. Highest gallows, and then?

But no, we're interrupted. Bah. (music)

You named your child "Luserina?" Seriously? If she doesn't get bullied at school, it's only because you made it too easy for them.

You're too kind, Lady Sialeeds. It's wonderful to see you again.

Both of them are clearly shocked Salum managed to have such a normal looking, normal behaving kid. Must be the mother's genes at work.

We can now move about, but we can't leave the building.

Poo. Let's see what the others have to say before we head up.

Nothing very interesting. Next?

Still a creep, Euram.

I'm not entirely sure you'd have been a better choice.

...yes, yes.

I'm slightly more inclined to believe it when Boz says it.

Euram is the only one who has another line if you talk to him again. Much as I wish he didn't.

The door on the left is locked and the one on the right leads to an empty room, so we'll head upstairs. But first...

He's also huge.

You're asking me?!

More importantly, the door is now unlocked and we can have Chuck keep stuff for us. Since I'm already running out of inventory space, that's very nice! Take extra care with this salt. I have plans for it, see.

Two of the rooms on the upper floor are empty. One of the others is this.

Our actual destination is across from here.

We'll never see those rooms, but Frey will have all these beds to himself.

Watch the scene! (or listen to the music)

"You know what? I give up."

Lyon looks around as if she's expecting ninjas in every corner.


My very first memories are those of my training to become a Nether Gate assassin. I don't know who my real parents were, or even what my real name is...

And he's the one that gave me the name "Lyon," too.

Do you think you can still trust me, even though you know about my past?

Jesus fuck, what kind of asshole would pick that bottom option?

Lyon is family.

Bonus Content:
What kind of asshole would pick that bottom option?

This asshole, right here.

You haven't had a thing to do with them for eight years! You're not a part of them anymore!

You'll let me do at least that... won't you?

The asshole gives a grudging nod.

Now excuse me while I go slam this douchebag's face in a drawer. Tenkai star or no, that's no way to treat people.

Early Luserina concept. I'm really not sure why she gets her own theme song, but well, if Euram gets one, I suppose it's only fair.

Sialeeds' weapons and casual outfit. I like this one better than her regular one, personally...

And last but not in any way least, Boz Wilde.